The First Food System Talk will set the scene for the series of thematic talks, focusing on why food systems transformation is necessary to achieve the health of the people...
Since its launch in March 2020, the Task Team on Water Management under the Inter-Agency Issue- Based Coalition on Environment and Climate Change (IBC) has organized two webinars related to...
The IBC met on 21 April, 17 June, 4 September, 6 November 2020 and 11 February and 22 June 2021. The objective of this meeting is to provide an update on...
Elaboration of the Guidance on Integrating the Environment and Climate Change in Processes for UNSDCFs (mainstreaming guidance) responds to the request by Resident Coordinators in the Europe and Central Asia region to...
The primary purpose of the IBC is to support UN Country Teams in their assistance to programme countries. The objective of this meeting is to provide an overview of ongoing...
The RCP meeting discussed updates on human rights issues as well as the programming impact of major crises in the Europe and Central Asia region. The meeting also considered the...
Domestic heating is a significant source of air pollution in Serbia as many households operate wood or coal stoves and ovens as the main source of heating. Large urban areas are...
In September 2021, the United Nations Food Systems Summit will be an opportunity to rethink our food systems and launch new actions to change the way we produce, transform, and consume food. This...