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Report of the 15th meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

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Report of the 14th meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

Report of the fourteenth meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

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2022 Regional Results Report of the UN System for Europe and Central Asia

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Report of the 13th meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

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Executive Meeting Summary - November 2023 regional workshop IBC on Environment and Climate Change

Final short report of workshop (rev.1)

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Mapping of water-related activities of UN agencies implemented in Central Asia

August 2023 mapping of water-related activities of UN agencies (UNECE, UNICEF, UNDRR, UNESCO, UNDP) implemented in Central Asia on:

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Report of the 12th meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

Report of the Twelfth meeting of the IBC on Environment and Climate Change

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Outcomes of the United Nations Food Systems Summit in Europe and Central Asia - A stocktake

The report aims to synthesize and analyse the focus, results and main issues emanating from the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) in the region of Europe and Central Asia. 

Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2022

This report presents the latest updates related to food security and nutrition in Europe and Central Asia, including estimates on the cost and affordability of healthy diets.

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